My Savage Page 14
Laughter roars around the room and I push his ass forward so he’s still close to my pussy.
“Oh baby, I think you may have a liking for this.” He rolls onto his back, taking me with him.
“Only with you, Ocean.”
I just made love.
To a woman who now controls my heart.
I don’t need anything more.
My body alive but quiet and tranquil, drowning out the savage for now.
This here is everything.
Time flies when you’re busy with a gorgeous dark-haired beauty.
Two days have slipped past. Phoebe’s confidence has increased in bed, but she’s also been keen to be around the girls to finalize wedding details while I’ve been trying to track down her brother without any success.
“You remember the girl from the shop? The one with the father and brother who used to beat up on the girl in the shop?”
“Oh yeah, your crush? How can I forget?”
“Well, Bluebell’s her. Phoebe and Bluebell are the same woman.”
My sister sounds like she spurts her coffee all over the phone in shock. “Are you serious? That’s insane.”
“Yeah, but more insane is that he’s trying to hurt Phoebe again and I can’t fucking find him, anywhere.”
“Ocean, I know you think you can fix everyone’s problems, but some things are out of your hands. Look at Mom and Dad, nothing we do will ever make them see you in a different light.”
“I don’t care about them. I love you, the guys and their girls and Phoebe.”
“At Crystal’s, I could see how drawn you are to her and her to you. It’s so uncanny you guys have found each other. And almost running her over. Sheesh.”
“What can I say, other than she’s mine.” Pacing the floor, my eyes lift when I notice Phoebe’s feet in front of me.
“I saw that instantly too.”
“Anyway, sis, I have to go. Phoebe’s on a tight Emerald made schedule so you know what that means. Are you okay to get to the wedding yourself?”
“Sure am, I’ll see you there. Bye.” Hanging up, I wish she would find someone that would treat her how she deserves to be cared for but there’s still plenty of time, I guess, she’s young.
“We have to stop at the shop to pick up the flowers for Emerald, then we need to head to Crystal’s factory.” Breaking me out of my thoughts, Phoebe’s twirling her hair around her finger and she coyly looks at me to make sure I’m alright with her giving directions.
“When do we need to leave?”
“In about ten minutes, that way you have time to get back here to get organized with Slate.”
Nodding my head, she’s got our part all planned out.
“Emerald hasn’t given you much time. All I need to do is show up to go with the guys out there. You though, have got lots to get done.”
“I only have to pick up the bouquets. Lilly’s made them up for me after I explained to her exactly what Emerald wanted. She didn’t care she had to stay back. She was happy to help out, plus she’s happy for the extra work while I’m away. I feel bad that I haven’t been there for ages. If it wasn’t for Lilly, the shop would be closed and I’d have no income.”
“Money’s not everything, your safety is more important. But are you missing the shop?” Drinking my coffee, Phoebe looks wistfully to me.
“Of course. It’s my life. The shop and the work keeps me centered. Building it up to what it is today, I don’t want it to suffer because of my family. I’ve lost enough to them, but I know while my brother is still out there, I need to stay here. I get it.” She glances down but her voice remains strong.
“I hate knowing you’re not doing what you love to do.”
“Well.” Placing her finger on her mouth like she’s thinking. “It is a hardship I guess, staying in this luxury apartment with the man I fantasized about for years but…” Pouncing on her, I wrap Phoebe in my arms and start to tickle her.
Laughing loudly, I should take pity on her, but I don’t. Her body thrashes and she hollers. “No more, no more, I can’t… Ocean, please. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think you really are.” My fingers dance over her ribs and under her arms, she twists and turns. I feel lighter than… in forever.
“Please. I’m sorry. I love it here. Please, no more. I don’t want to leave.”
Moving back, my hands stop on her hips. Her breathing is fast, her cheeks pink.
Quietly, I search Phoebe’s eyes for any hint of a mistake coming from her lips. “What?”
Catching her breath, she realizes what she’s said. “Ummm. Hmmm. I di—” Uncomfortable with me scrutinizing her, she lowers her chin, her eyes cast down to the ground.
“Did you mean what you said?” Lifting her face up to meet mine, worry radiates from it.
“Arrr, yeah. But I know it’s only for a short—”
“Baby, stop.” Pulling her closer to me, I make sure we are still looking at each other. There can be no mistakes. “I want you here. Not because your brother is out there someone, not because I want to protect you at every turn but because having you here with me, feels better than anything has. I want you to stay but I didn’t want to scare you. I have a habit of being a little… bossy?”
Running my hand through her hair, she closes her lids, chuckling a little while taking in my words.
“Yeah baby, really and truly.” I find it hard to contain my smile.
A phone alarm dings loudly. “Snap. We have to go.” Wide eyes shine looking at me.
“We’re not going anywhere until you tell me you got it.” Smirking and cocking my head to the side, my grip tightens around her slight body.
Chewing her lip, I can tell she’s unsure.
“I honestly mean this, Phoebe. I want you in my life. I want you here with me, in this apartment and anywhere else we go. I know I’m a lot to put up with.”
Reaching up on her toes, she kisses me. There’s no holding back until she escapes for air. “I want that too.”
Smacking her sweet ass playfully, I know she doesn’t want to let Emerald down. “Come on, we will have to save this for later. Delayed gratification apparently is all the go at the moment. Guess we’re going to find out how it works for us.”
Nodding her head, Phoebe looks happy. “Thank you.”
“Would you stop with the thank yous. I should be thanking you.”
“Baby, I’ll explain it later. For now, trust me.” Taking her hand, we need to leave before I take her pretty face, her sublime body, and those plump lips and bang her into next week. A constant urge drills through me, burns inside me and it’s a battle to keep myself in check around Phoebe. She’s taking my cock beautifully and her confidence is building but I’m holding back. And I will for as long as it takes for her to want to try more with me.
I never want to scare her.
“Yes. But I’ll be reminding you soon about the explanation.” Swinging her bag over her shoulder, my cell rings.
Emerald’s calling and she won’t be happy. “Would you let your woman out of your apartment? We need her with us so we can get ready, together.” She’s stern and direct.
“We’re on our way.”
“And no stopping for fucking on the way, do you hear me?”
“I think the people in Canada heard you, you’re yelling that loud.”
“Good.” Hanging up in my ear, my head shakes.
“Come on, we better get you to them before she blows a gasket.” I can’t resist looking at her innocent smile, knowing I made love to her, I kiss her cheek then pull Phoebe along before I change my mind and make love to her again. Infuriating Emerald for some fun would be worth it. Hell knows she deserves it, but probably not on her wedding day.
“You look exceptional, Em. Absolutely stunning in this dress.” Lace zips it up, while Crystal and I stand back admiring the queen she is.
“Slate’s going to go insane looking at you. I�
��ve never seen you look so beautiful.” Placing her tiara on, Crystal pins it in place and I catch the sight of myself in the full-length mirror.
Black hair shines, the spiral curls pinned to hold their lift and shape still look like I walked out of the salon minutes ago, not hours. My blue sweetheart neckline dress, showing off my new present from Emerald, a sparkling platinum teardrop-shaped pendant, taking pride of place in the dent of my neck and my made-up face beaming with pride surrounded by these women.
“You’re all dazzling.” Stepping back, I take in air. Today is something I have only dreamed about. Making bouquets for brides and bridesmaids, table pieces and more is a creative art form, one I enjoy doing but care and precision always must take precedence. I pride myself on original arrangements, using only the best flowers I can source. I live my fantasies through their experiences. Going to a wedding isn’t on my agenda, let alone, being part of the wedding. Giddiness overwhelms me.
“I don’t think we will only have to worry about Slate going bananas over Emerald, I think the beast in Ocean may reveal its head if anyone comes close to you, Bluebell.” Crystal moves back and admires her handiwork.
“I think all our men are going to go ballistic,” Emerald chimes in, grinning. I agree with her.
“Woohoo ladies. Let me look at all of you.” A guy dressed in a canary yellow suit, wearing glasses skips into the room.
“Neville, it’s about time you showed up to the party. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” Crystal beams and the guy air kisses her, moving onto Lace and then Emerald.
“This dress was made for you. If I were straight, I’d be trying to give you one last bang before you become Mrs. Saxe.”
Emerald howls, as do the others.
“And who might you be?” Holding Crystal by the waist, he raises his eyebrows and wags a finger at me.
“This is Ocean’s woman, Bluebell,” Crystal proudly states.
“Hi, my name’s Phoebe, but I’m known as Bluebell.” The girls look at me quizzically, but I’m cut off before I can explain.
“Oh darling, you’re exquisite. Tell me, is your man as good I imagine in bed? I’ve been waiting to find out from a source, but he doesn’t keep anyone long enough to ask.”
Gulping down, trying hard not to blush, I nod and think about our time in bed. “Ocean’s skills outdo mine, I have nothing to compare him to, but I think it’s been special.”
Everyone quietens.
Lightening the mood, I blurt out, “I haven’t heard any complaints from his sexy as sin mouth and his cock is bigger than anything I’ve seen. Plowing into me, he certainly knows how to make me scream multiple times, leaving a dull ache in my pussy for the next day or two. I’d say I’m the luckiest woman alive.”
Staring at me, the girls burst out laughing.
Neville fans himself. “Damn, now I need to visit the bathroom, girl. I just knew he’d be fucking amazing. You don’t have that kind of body, seductive growl, and tight ass and not know how to use it properly.”
It’s my turn to chuckle. I’m only telling them what they want to hear, I’ll keep our special moments to ourselves. They don’t need to know every detail.
“Kyle should be here any minute.” Lace composes herself and reminds us that we are on a time schedule.
“I’m going to go, darlings. I need to make a quick stop, but I will see you in a jiffy.” Leaving the room like a whirlwind, I move out of his way.
Crystal’s cell beeps.
“Kyle’s out front in the SUV so we can all fit. Let’s get this night underway, beauties.”
Emerald looks calm and collected, picking up her bouquet, she hugs Lace and then me.
“If I forget later, thank you for having me stand with you. You can’t know what this means to me. I’m overwhelmed with your kindness.” My voice wavers, but I hold back the tears. I can’t ruin my makeup.
“Thank you for doing this for me and for what you’re doing with Ocean.”
“I’m just loving him.”
“Yeah, that’s what he’s missed his whole adult life and now you’re giving it to him. Bluebell, it’s everything he needs and much more. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
Nodding, I take in her words and smile.
“Come on, let’s go.” Crystal takes her bag and flowers. “I can’t wait for our men to be speechless when they see us and Slate’s eyes when he sees Emerald in this dress.”
Gathering my bag and flowers, I leave and enter the waiting car outside after Lace. Crystal jumps in the front.
“Sis, you look gorgeous.” Kyle plants a small kiss on her cheek, tears form in his eyes.
“Thank you. I’m glad you’re here to give me away.”
Looking sad, he helps her in the car and resumes to the front seat.
“Do you think it safe Crystal’s in the front with me?” Kyle’s voice sounds genuinely worried.
“Of course it’s alright. Tanner should be over that crap by now. And if he isn’t then he needs to be.” Crystal’s voice is stern.
“Okay. We don’t need trouble, so I was only checking.” Kyle heaves in a breath. “Where’s Jayce?”
“The babysitter has come over. We thought a night to ourselves was warranted.”
“Sounds like it’s going to be a big night,” Lace chirps in.
“I hope so.” Giggling, we all listen to the hum of the motor and the low volume of the radio. It’s keeping my nerves at bay.
“You’ve picked a spectacular time to have your vows. The sunset is going to be perfect.” Blue still lines the sky, but the sun’s dipping down. In about fifteen minutes, the time when we arrive, there should be pinks, purples, and only a touch of blue left.
A stunning sunset, for a unique wedding.
God is the name of a spirit who people believe in to give them hope and love, to guide them when times are tough and when you need something there to support you.
God to me is a name.
But it wasn’t always.
The only people now I count on for this is Slate, Caden, and Tanner. The three men standing beside one another waiting for our women to show. Perched high on the hill, with the celebrant, I wonder when I stopped believing that God could make everything right. Mom was a religious woman, who prayed nightly with us by our bedside before going to sleep. Melody and I shared a room until I was eight. We were close and we didn’t need separate rooms because she was happy to play with my things and do what I said. She may have been small, but she still cleaned up after us. It was a win-win for me. Someone to boss around and someone to clean up after me.
I wouldn’t admit it, but I prayed to God that he would keep my sister in the room with me. Having her there was a comfort, being scared of the dark, I was able to conceal my dislike of it because she always had a nightlight on. I didn’t have to reveal my embarrassing secret. He didn’t listen. She was moved into her own newly painted room, decorated with girly stuff.
Perhaps this was my first let down by Him.
There were many more, bigger and more significant letdowns. Eventually I came to solve my own problems, to rely on who and what I knew to give me hope and support.
Together, the four of us have saved each other more times than I care to remember and standing under the tree, with the picture-perfect colored sky, I know who I would talk to if I needed something done. The guys are my god, and I am so proud to call them this.
Support, give hope and love one another is what we do.
Today is another example of how we are committed to each other. Not only is Emerald marrying Slate, but she becomes part of our family. As Lace did and of course Crystal will, we have more of us to love and lean on in times of happiness and sorrow. It can never be replaced. I’d rather put my belief in them than any God that lets you down on more than one occasion.
“She’s staying true to the tradition. Emerald’s late.” Tanner in a black suit swivels and faces the few people that have been invited to share the wedding vows.
bsp; Slate interjects with some snide remark while I walk over to Melody, hugging her gently so I don’t squash her dress.
“You’re looking beautiful, sis. This orange color suits you. Goes nicely with your hair.” She usually doesn’t like her orange hair color, but she smiles proudly.
“I thought so. The saleswoman told me this light, yellow-orange would complement my hair tone. I’m glad you approve.”
“I do. You’re radiant.” I pull her in for another hug.
“You scrub up well in this dark blue suit too. Did you pick it for any purpose? You normally keep to black.”
“Well, someone let it slip that my girl was wearing blue, so I thought I’d try and match.”
Pulling back, there’s a quizzical look on her face, then a grin breaks out.
“Your girl?” Slapping me on the shoulder, I smile.
“Yeah. I think Phoebe’s the one, Mel. We kind of somehow worked out that she would come and live with me.” Running my hand through my hair, she continues staring at me like I have three heads. “She brings peace to me that I haven’t had before. Plus, she’s gorgeous and innocent.”
“I’m sure you’ve already corrupted her.”
“Perhaps.” I laugh again. “But she enjoys it all. Phoebe is special. She’s had a few challenges that have created huge cracks in her but slowly I hope to put them back together.”
“If anyone can, you can, Ocean.” Kissing my cheek, her eyes are gentle when she moves back. Exactly how Mother’s used to look before alcohol consumed her. “You were always the only one who could get me back on track when I went off on my silly tantrums, escapades, or binges. You were the only one who could. You have a gift. A special way of dealing with the people who matter to you. To the ones you love. I know you don’t see it, but it’s there and always has been, big brother.”
Holding her waist, I look around at the people who she’s talking about: The guys, Emerald’s mom, the gay guy from Crystal’s work—who annoys the hell out of all of us but would do anything if we asked.
Yeah, I would do anything to spare these people’s pain.