My Savage Page 13
“No point having a problem just yet, the night’s young.” Drawing the stick back, the white ball slams into the red, sinking it in a hurry. “Your go, Em.”
Like nothing has happened, Emerald leaves her drink and starts around the table toward Slate. I’ve seen the Emerald and Slate show where they work out who the more dominant one in the relationship is, numerous times, I don’t need to see it when I’ve got a sexy chick waiting for me.
Grinning at the two idiots, I make a beeline for Phoebe, trying to surprise her. Facing the commotion at the table, she’s unaware of me moving behind her as Slate wraps Emerald up in his arms, not allowing her to move while he whispers something.
Bending down, I inhale her citrus scent. “Hey baby.” My lips kiss her rosy cheek.
Swiveling, her face lines with mine and my lips latch onto hers fast before she realizes. She takes my breath away.
“You look beautiful and like you’re enjoying yourself.”
Brushing her fingertips through her hair, her eyes bright, she stands up with excitement. A glow on her skin tells me she’s had a few drinks already. “We had a pamper session and a makeover today and Crystal also took us to a dress shop. I’ve never seen so many couture gowns and glasses of champagne and…”
Plastering my lips on hers again, I stop her. Slowly and gently, I move my tongue, exploring her mouth and her body relaxes into mine. Her tongue follows mine. My arms mold around her waist. “Slow down. Breathe.”
Not letting her go, her face moves back but she dips it. Her body rises and falls with her breathing. Lifting her chin with my finger, I gaze at her beauty.
“I’m so fucking lucky finding you again.” My thumb glides over her lip, methodically. “Sounds like you had a busy day with the ladies.”
She nods her head. “It was awesome. Something I’ve never done.” Running my other hand up and down her spine, her hands make their way around my hips.
“I’m glad they showed you a good time.”
“It’s been the best.”
“They looked after you ‘cause I’ll kick their butts if they didn’t.”
Shifting on her feet, she laughs. “No kicking required, Emerald wouldn’t let me pay for anything. Can you get me her bank details so I can transfer?”
“Baby, if she paid then Slate paid and it’s a gift.” Placing a kiss on her forehead, I move on. “Have you played pool before?”
“No.” Her back tenses but I continue rubbing it and she rests her head on my pec.
“Good, I get to teach you.” Grinning, I lift my head up to see if the girls are nearly done. Six sets of eyes are plastered on us. The ladies grinning and nodding, the guys smirking. Thank fuck Phoebe’s not looking, she’d be rattled by my idiot family. But they feel it as well. This girl has broken through my barriers and is now a part of me, bringing me calmness, soothing the savage beast alive inside me.
“Time for some shots.” Emerald breaks the trance we are locked in.
Tilting her head back, she flutters her fucking lashes. My heart beats a million times faster. “Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask me, baby. Anything you want.” Walking together to the table, Emerald’s not looking overly happy at Slate, so she grabs Crystal’s arm dragging her to the bar.
“Let’s give this a try while we’re waiting.” Giving her the stick, I set up the balls. The guys talk among themselves, Lace stretches out her legs relaxing, listening to them.
“You have to hit the white ball and knock the triangle of balls apart, trying to get them in the pockets.”
“Okay.” Bending down, she holds the cue stick all wrong.
“Hang on.” Pressing against her back, one arm under hers and the other holding the stick with her, I show her how it’s done. My cock has ideas of its own.
“Move it back and forth a little then add more pressure as you hit the white ball.”
Her ass rubs against my dick and I close my eyes taking it in. Christ, everything about her has my nerves on high alert. A single touch and I’m almost blowing my load.
“You two need a room?” Tanner yells.
“Not yet, but soon.” The ball strikes the bunch making a huge sound and they shoot off in different directions. Flushed, she looks at me with a grin and raises her eyebrows before moving away from the table. “Your turn.”
I like this playful side. The day spent with the girls may have boosted her confidence a bit. “Game on.”
Emerald returns with some bottles of tequila and glasses. It’s going to be a messy night. Lace stands and pours them for us all except herself. “Enjoy.”
At the same time, we pour the liquid down our throats. Phoebe shakes her head and resumes her smile. “Wow. That’s wrong.”
“Yes girl it is, but it’s some damn good stuff.” Crystal lines up some more. “Here’s to the happy couple.”
They look anything but happy.
“Are they alright?” Phoebe whispers in my ear, tickling it at the same time with her breath.
“Yeah. This is normal. They’ll be all over each other soon. Once Slate’s jealousy subsides.” I sit this one out, but Phoebe raises it with the others and throws it back, coughing after this one.
“It burns.” Closing her eyes, my arm wraps around her waist.
“Is it making you hot inside?”
“Yes.” Raising her arms, she drapes them loosely over my shoulders. “But just looking at you makes me hotter. Your sexy face makes my pussy wet, your muscly arms make my knees weak, your grin has my heart skipping beats, the tingles from the touch of your fingers makes me wish you had them all over my naked skin. My boobs throb and I’d loved to be filled up by you again. I want to explore more with you, if you don’t mind showing me?” Chuckling to herself, she spears me with an innocent gaze but then clasps a hand over her mouth, her eyes change to shock.
Blown away by her boldness, it seems alcohol makes her chatty.
“I can’t believe I said that out loud.”
“You can say anything to me, never filter your words.”
“I’m so embarrassed.” I wipe her face with my fingers.
“I enjoy seeing you like this.”
Phoebe moves from foot to foot. “I can speak around you and I don’t feel silly. I can look at you and my skin doesn’t crawl with insecurities. It’s only been a few days and somehow my body and mind has changed course because of you. It’s like I could take on the world if necessary.”
Emerald and Crystal both grab an arm and pull her away to the other side of the table before I can respond. They head for a spare bit of space, swaying their hips before they even get to it.
“You think she’s a keeper?” Lace moves beside me, her arms wrapped around her belly.
Smiling more to myself than her, I nod without hesitation. “Yeah, I do.”
Caden joins his woman and hands me a beer. “Thanks, man.” Slate and Tanner perch themselves on the seat while Caden grabs a stick, giving Lace the other one. My eyes completely focused on Phoebe, I watch her like a hawk.
Small and slim, she moves her hips, swaying them to the rock music pumping from the main bar area. Crystal and Emerald include her in their trio, linking hands, then shoulders rubbing up and down each other’s bodies. Twirling, her skirt lifts up and she lets it. Eyeing her smooth legs to her pussy, tightness clamps my chest, flames engulf my vision. My legs start to move, my eyes looking at the men ogling her delicious body.
A hand lands on my shoulder, stopping me. “She’s having fun with the girls, leave her.” Slate hands me a smoke and I inhale it. “Phoebe’s not like your normal type?”
“No, thank fuck. She’d be gone by now if she was.” My breaths labor and I drag in more.
“Any details on her brother yet?”
“He’s fucking invisible, S. But I can’t give up. We have to find him before he kills Phoebe. I know the type, he won’t stop until he does. She’s a threat to him but more than that, she’s someone that got aw
ay from him and he won’t live with that. Beaten by his sister. I saw the manic look in his eyes, he will return for her.”
As though she knows we are talking about her, Phoebe tilts her head so I can see the light reflecting from her crystal eyes, her hair flies back as she rotates her neck and head dancing in time with the beat.
“We’ll find him.”
A large guy with a cowboy hat joins the girls, grinding into Emerald. She keeps up the pace with him, while spearing her deadly heated stare to Slate.
“Fuck. She knows how to push my buttons.”
“And you let her.” With a cheeky grin, Emerald leans closer to the man who’s about to be pummeled to the floor.
“’Cause it’s fucking fun teaching her lessons.” Clenched fists, Slate stomps to the girls, pulling the lowlife away from Emerald who is unaware of his attacker because his face is so close to Em’s he would see nothing else. Striking with his fist, the guy collapses. No one interferes. They don’t dare look.
Emerald turns her back on all of them, grabbing Crystal and Phoebe walking them back toward the table.
“You sure know how to make trouble, Wildcat.” Throwing down more tequila, she nods and laughs.
“He’s a bossy bastard. It’s my bachelorette party, so I can do what I want.” Handing a shot glass to the girls, they all finish it as Slate arrives back, taking Emerald in his grasp. Lava flows from his eyes, terminating Emerald’s next move.
“Dance with me?” Phoebe wobbles and places the glass down.
“I’d love to.” Eyes only on her, I wrap my arms around her, sweeping her legs from underneath her, swirling her around until we have some space. We don’t need a dance floor, anywhere is perfect with this girl.
“Whoops. Sorry.” Putting her down, her body falls into mine.
“I think the tequila’s kicked in. I’m spinning a little. Actually a lot.” Her feet try and move but I keep her against me, holding her tight.
“We can dance slow.”
Catching her breath, she smiles. “Sounds amazing.”
Dancing’s not usually my thing. Watching naked dancers is. But breathing in her scent, holding her close, mesmerized by her touch and the swing of her hips, her boobs push into me and I savor the flow of electricity pulsating through both of us.
Thuds in my chest pound against my ribs, my grip tightens around her body. Even if I hadn’t had a taste of her delectable body last night, I’d still want to be here holding her. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be inside her pussy again but keeping her warm in my arms, slowly moving together feels extraordinary.
“Are you ready to get out of here?” Barely moving, her closeness is intoxicating and I need to be inside her.
“Yeah, I am.” Quietly her voice enters my ears. “Do you think we could try round two tonight?”
Arms around my hips, her body against mine and her face resting on my shoulder, I inhale. “Sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Being a forty-year-old virgin crossed my mind many times. Jaded and scarred, it was my reality.
Until yesterday.
A night that I won’t forget.
Cheering inside for the entire day, keeping the details close to my chest, beautifully sore as I walked miles, I no longer had this burden to bear.
I’ve had sex.
Delicious, steamy, mind-blowing, heavenly sex.
With Ocean.
Who is all that and so much more.
He showed me how amazing it could be.
There was pain for sure, but with his words, his calmness and care, I was able to experience my first time without any fear.
There’s nothing I’ve experienced that has sent my body into such a whirlwind or a person who has paid precise attention to me ensuring I’m protected and special.
“Do you feel okay?” Ocean’s voice is light but muffled. My head’s spinning, laying on his bed.
“How did I get up here?” Opening my eyes, a soft glow casts across Ocean’s face.
“I carried you, you fell asleep on the ride home and I didn’t want to wake you.” Kneeling beside me, he leans over and kisses me.
My arms lift slowly, heavy from too much alcohol, and I link my fingers behind his head, holding him there. Shockwaves spiral through me, his tongue roaming mine, his stubble rubbing against my chin and his scent is overloading me.
“I love your tongue.” A second passes and his face lights up.
“Do you now?”
Slapping my hand over my face, I cringe. “I said I love your tongue out loud, didn’t I?” Closing my eyes, I want the bed to swallow me.
“You sure did.” Warm hands hold my face and I open my eyes, searching the intensity radiating into mine. “Tell me. What do you want me to do with it?”
My breath picks up, my body heavy from too much tequila, I can’t hold back. “That thing you did last night with your tongue on my boobs. Goose bumps spread all over my body when you did it.”
Moving slowly, his fingers unbutton my dress. Thank the Lord for full buttoned-up dresses. My breasts covered in my full cotton blue bra are on display.
“Oh god.” This is getting more embarrassing by the minute. I don’t own anything other than practical panties and bras. I try to cover myself with my hands.
“Baby, you look gorgeous in anything, but can I take it off?”
Without any effort, it’s gone and my heated skin prickles under his mouth and day-old scruff. He doesn’t wait instead his tongue starts sliding over my mounds, his teeth nipping at my nipples. Laying there, every nibble and pinch electrifies me. My arms don’t want to work and I lay there lapping it up.
Moaning, my eyes roll back, savoring Ocean’s touch. His hands run up the sides of my hips and he brushes his tips in my panties, pushing them down. Wiggling a little, although I’m sure I am hardly moving at all, my panties slide off my ass.
“Can we make love?” Spearing him with my eyes, across his face there’s a flash of something. Uncertainty maybe? My mouth starts to move but it’s captured in warm lips before my words come out.
Finding some energy, my fingers fumble with his shirt undoing his buttons ridiculously slow. “I wish I didn’t drink so much.” Lips stay on mine, so my voice is muffled. I really am far gone. I can’t remember the last time I was this drunk. I know one thing though, I didn’t have a hot guy on top of me.
Trying to manipulate my fingers and think at the same time is not working. Taking pity on me, he releases my mouth and stands, taking care of his shirt in one fluid movement and his jeans go next.
“Yum.” Running my eyes over his body, they stay at his cock.
Grinning, knowing the effect he is having on me, my flushed face, rapid breathing and stupid comments are a dead give away, he kneels over me, one leg on either side of my body. His bare chest above me and his long, thick cock inflaming my naked skin, tantalizes my entire senses. Heat swamps me as he stretches his legs out, laying on top of me, his elbows taking the weight of him.
“God, I’m ready to explode and I haven’t even touched your pussy yet.” His eyes rake over me like he’s starving and I’m his next meal.
“I’m ready when you are.”
Without any delay, his cock rubs against my folds and I jerk from the contact on my clit. “Whoops.” A small laugh escapes as my body comes alive under his touch.
“I’ll be gentle.” Nodding, I watch the concentration on his face as he slides his length inside me. There’s no flash of pain tonight, only sheer ecstasy coursing its way from my toes upwards. Our lips join, my fingers holding his ass firmly as he moves in and out at a slow pace. The intensity of my pleasure is growing but he keeps the unhurried pace, hitting something deep inside that makes me tremble all over.
“Ocean, dear God.” Digging my fingers in his skin, he may have only just entered me, but my stomach’s coiled so tight, it’s ready to release. His tongue runs across my cheek, down my ne
ck and closes in on my ear. Shivers spread over me as he thrusts in and out rhythmically.
Teeth bite at my ear and neck.
My body springs forward and I clamp down on his cock, my fingers clawing at his ass as I unleash the orgasm ripping through me. My legs curl around his hips tightly.
At this moment, Ocean quickens his pace and thrusts deeper, changing the angle of his dick, sending me into another orbit. A scream leaves my throat as he jerks forward, pumping himself into my pussy, rearing back until he plunges in again, stilling himself, groaning incoherently.
Tight neck muscles strain against his skin, his chest heaving in air as his eyes stare into mine. “Phoebe.”
Moving forward, I clasp on to his lips, pouring all I have left into him. I have no words for this.
No words for how he is cherishing me.
No words for the special moments we are sharing.
No words for how he makes me scream.
No words for the look of pure lust and sin that takes a hold of his eyes when he looks at me.
No words for the smile he puts on my face.
No words for how he made love to me.
Pulling away from my lips, he rolls us on our sides so we are face to face, still joined by his cock.
“You’re the first.” His raw voice hits my heart.
“What do you mean?” My hand holds his head, our faces so close they are nearly touching.
“Making love. It was a first for me.” There’s a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
Staring into his eyes, my mouth widens into a full megawatt smile, my insides dance lightly like I’m in ballet shoes springing around the stage gracefully, my heart drums dramatically inside my chest wall. “Really?”
Nodding his head, he runs his finger over my cheek. “Yeah, really.”
“Did I do it okay?” Worried now that I may have let him down, I doubt myself.
“We made love together perfectly.”
My leg drapes over his, my fingers tighten in his hair. “Shall we do it again?”